Clinical trial translation services are one of the most complex and sophisticated translations. From the specialistic vocabulary, through the detailed structure of documents, to the formal requirements, it takes a certified, highly-experienced clinical trials translator. That is why, at TEXTOLOGY, we cooperate only with translators who have completed all the necessary courses to be able to provide state-of-the-art clinical trial translations.
The importance of clinical trial translation services
With the rapid increase of clinical trials conducted overseas, quality translations for clinical trials play a crucial role in the modern world. Currently, around 72% of clinical trials are conducted overseas. It is important to remember that clinical trials translations need to comply with a wide range of regulations. Furthermore, they must be of impeccable quality. The smallest error or typo can invalidate the entire translation. That is why it is so important for clinical trial translations to only be performed by professional translators. Clinical trial translation services which we offer include translation of:

- Clinical Protocols
- Clinical Protocol Synopses
- Informed Consent Forms (ICF)
- Clinical Trial Agreements
- Study Drug Labels
- Financial Disclosure
- Patient Brochures
- Patient Cards
- Case Review Forms
- Clinical Research Protocols
- Ethics Committee Approval Letter
- Ethics Committee Submission Letter
- Handwritten Patient Notes
- Investigational Medicinal Product Dossier (IMPD)
- Investigator’s Brochure (IB)
- Laboratory Manuals
- Medical Reports
- Ra Submission Letter
- Ra Submission Letter Response
- Serious Adverse Events
- Site Binder Documents
- Adverse Event Source Documents
- Case Report Forms (CRFS)
- Development Safety Update Reports (DSURS)
- Dossiers
- Drug Registration Documentation
- Informed Consent Forms
- Insert Leaflets
- Instructions for Use (IFUs)
- Package Inserts and Labels
- Patient Diaries
- Patient Recruitment Materials
- Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs)
- Patient Source Documents, Admission and Discharge, Labs
- Pharmacological Studies
- Product Labels
- Regulatory Documents
- Scientific Papers
- Study Protocols
- Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reactions (SUSARS)
- Toxicology Reports
- Quality of Life Measures
If you are interested in any of the above translation of clinical trials, or if your needs exceed this list, do not hesitate to contact TEXTOLOGY – we also provide bespoke translations of content outside the standard categories.
Certified clinical trial translations
Much like the legal translations, clinical trial translations must adhere to a range of regulations and rules. Both the accuracy and proper formatting of clinical trial documents are of utmost importance. Furthermore, we make sure that the translations you receive from us are not only linguistically accurate but also culturally adapted, making them suitable to be used in the country of your choosing. This ensures our translations are appropriate for the intended target – be it review boards, healthcare professionals or patients.
Years of experience providing translations for clinical trials
To make sure that our clients receive the highest quality of clinical translations, we cooperate only with the most experienced and adequately certified translators. Our translators stay up to date with the newest regulations and industry requirements, which guarantees that their medical translations meet contemporary requirements.
We go the extra mile to ensure that the clinical translations you order at TEXTOLOGY are of the highest quality.
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